Tomorrow’s Memories 5 x 7 watercolour on paper
One of my favourites! I loved the detail I managed to get on skates the girls are carrying, it really made my day!!
One of my favourites! I loved the detail I managed to get on skates the girls are carrying, it really made my day!!
The was the painting that was used on the invitation to my solo show that was held at the University Women’s Club at Hycroft. Hycroft is a majestic heritage building that was built in 1909 by General Aleander Duncan McRae and is located in Vancouver’s Shaughnessy area. The building and its 5 acre property were donated … Read More
5 x 7 watercolour on paper, 2002, a Holiday Card for BC Children’s Hospital. Kids off sledding on a clear crisp cold winter day.
A fish boat named Fin. Fin just seemed like the right name as I am sure she has had a lot of fins on board!
The word notch is defined as an indentation on an edge or a surface. The name Notch came from the indentations on the wood used for the hull. A happy little sail boat rigged as a sloop.
My Gratitude Angels are a rudimentary looking angel, painted simplistically on on rustic beach wood. Their intended purpose is to hang on a door knob or to stand on a windowsill to remind us to stop for a wee moment be grateful for where we are and what we have.
A small one of a favourite theme, the little stacks on the big beaches of the West Coast!!
Inspired by John Lennon. This piece hangs in my bedroom and is a great one to go to sleep with and a great one wake up to. Inspirational words at both ends of the day.
The philosophy of Beach People is quite simple. They are a gentle folk who have stories to tell. They have been at sea for a long time, sometimes for years, before finding their way to a shore. They have seen the condition of the seas and shorelines. The general theme of their stories is to … Read More