Fresh White Daisies – SOLD 11 x 14, oil on panel
Spring is on its way, with its young green buds, and for me nothing symbolizes new beginnings like fresh white daisies.
Spring is on its way, with its young green buds, and for me nothing symbolizes new beginnings like fresh white daisies.
This delicate pink carnation was a joy to paint and rolled off the brush very easily. I have heard that a pale pink carnation symbolizes appreciation. I like that.
Recently the Canadian Geese with their quizzical looks have caught my attention. I was sitting on a bench surrounded by Canadian Geese and this particular Canada Goose spun on his heels and and prepared to take flight. Magically his wings began to spread and grow as they gracefully left the sides of his body. … Read More
So fun the paint the expression on these small creatures!! They might not speak english, but their faces and body language actually speak to me!!
This delightful little fellow has got to be on of the most easy going I have ever had the pleasure to meet!
Had so much fun playing with the “story bag” and this lovely young girl!
Enjoyed summer fun with this young man!!
I absolutely loved the markings on this particular sheep, so darn cute!! The black head set her apart from the others.