This Long Black Neck Canada Goose struts with attitude across the grass. As she stretched her neck high, I caught the perfect photo of her in mid-stride.
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The Crow 8 x 10, oil on cradled panel
Whether in large numbers or by themselves the crows are near too far away. In order to get a crow to pose for me I set out some bird food to entice interest from a crow. After about 4 hours the food was discovered and the crow took interest. A little hesitant at first she … Read More
Can You Hear the Music? 10 x 14, acrylic on canvas
“Can You Hear the Music?” was this year’s submission to BC Children’s Hospital for their Holiday Card program. I believe that this is the 22nd year I have participated in their fundraiser for the hospital.
Make that Call 11 x 14, acrylic on canvas
Set against the vintage wallpaper background, the retro rotary dial phone has been witness to countless messages, tears and stories.
Tell Your Story – Sold 16 x 20, acrylic on canvas
If there is one thing that I have learned is that everyone has a story and this vintage Royal typewriter has recorded many stories. I do a little writing myself and there are times when the perfect words fall out of the ether with almost no thinking about it. And other times, with … Read More
Remembered – Sold 8 x 8, acrylic on canvas
A soft colours of a setting sun are always welcome and remembered in the mind’s eye.