I have always loved the look of an Air Stream trailer. Such a classic! This one often parks close to where I often walk and the reflections on its walls are very fun to paint!
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Wild West, Ucluelet 24 x 30, acrylic on canvas
An iconic point of view in Ucluelet with the leaning tree on the little islet sitting solidly in the surf.
Lynn Creek – SOLD 11 x 14, acrylic on canvas
Breathing the freshness of the forest and seeing the abundance of fresh water in Lynn Canyon Headwaters Regional Park leaves me feeling renewed.
West Coast Sea Stack 24 x 30, acrylic on canvas
The sea stacks majestically mark the West Coast of British Columbia.
Chesterman Beach, Tofino-SOLD 16 x 20, acrylic on canvas
The reflections on the incoming tide at Chesterman Beach in Tofino are beyond breathtaking!
Westerly Winds, Ucluelet 12 x 24, acrylic on canvas
It is beautifully powerful sight when the winds are blowing and the surf is pounding on the beaches in Ucluelet.