Capturing the colours of the sky at the end of the day are often the reason I paint. This is the entrance to the to one of British Columbia’s still water, safe anchorages. This was painted from a photo I took a few years back when we did a lot of boating.
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Cox Bay, Tofino 8 x 20, oil on board
The iconic land forms sitting on the horizon against the beautiful colours of the sunset and the vastness of beach never cease to amaze me!
Cold Plunge – SOLD 4 x 5, watercolour on paper
A Birthday Card for a person who is in fantastic shape and a cold plunge fan!! Painted from a photo that was taken on a very sunny but cold winter day. The edges of the lake were frozen!! Wim Hof would be so proud!!
West Coast Sea Stack – SOLD 4 x 5, watercolour on paper
Painted for a Birthday Card to a person who enjoys and appreciates the beach!
Joy in the Snow 10 x 14, acrylic on canvas
I painted this piece for BC Children’s Hospital Holiday Card Program. It is the 27th year that I have painted for the Hospital!
A Heart For You 4 x 5, watercolour on paper
Painted forFor You Valentine’s Day to a person who is young at heart. Remember slow and steady wins the race!