My painting was selected this year, 2018, for one of BC Children’s Hospital Holiday Cards. I think this is the 20th year that I have submitted a painting to BC Children’s Hospital.
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Broken Group Sketch 12 x 12, acrylic on canvas, sold
The resilient little islands in the Broken Group Islands are a never ending source of inspiration!!
Barkley Sound 10 x 10 acrylic on canvas - sold
Out of Lady Rose Marine Services, I was very fortunate to be aboard the Francis Barkley traveling from Port Alberni to Seachart Lodge. This was painted from one of the photos I took.
Cape Roger Curtis 8 x 8, acrylic on canvas - sold
At the entrance to Howe Sound, out on a rocky out cropping, on the southwest shore of Bowen Island is the Cape Roger Curtis Lighthouse.
Spirit of the West Coast 10 x 10, acrylic on canvas - sold
The little island sits just off shore and in calm water it offers close to perfect reflections.
Early Evening 10 x 10, acrylic on canvas - sold
The sunset colours soaring across the sky make a lovely backdrop for the little island.