A new painting for a new baby. The snow drops and crocuses are in bloom and with spring on its way, the little rabbit takes delight in putting flowers on top her hat.
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Newfoundland Harbour 8 x 8, acrylic on canvas
A little burnt orange shed with nets hanging from the rafters sits at the rustic dock. Fun to paint a such a lovely Newfoundland sight.
Quidi Vidi 4, Newfoundland 8 x 8, acrylic on canvas
Beside the boat ramp at Quidi Vidi Harbour, sat a group of small buildings and boats floated at the docks.
Quidi Vidi 3, Newfoundland 8 x 8, acrylic on canvas
Another slice of Quidi Vidi Harbour in Newfoundland. The rocky cliffs are such a lovely backdrop for the little buildings along the coast.
Neddy Harbour, Newfoundland 8 x 8, acrylic on canvas
When touring around Newfoundland, I took a photo at Neddy Harbour, near Gros Morne National Park. The little yellow building echoed its clear reflection into the dark green waters. The jetty leading out to the house creates a nice lead into the focal point of the painting.
Coastal Spirit 3 – SOLD 8 x 10, acrylic on canvas
The sky and the light set the mood here and the little island serves as a darker contrast the luminous evening sky!! This piece was donated to the GoGo African Grandmothers Charity for the silent auction!!