The snow builds up on the branches of the forest trees and covers the forest floor creating a very quiet sanctuary.
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Where’s My Den – SOLD 30 x 24, acrylic on canvas
A beautiful Black Bear sits in the forest observing the light snow flakes as they drift slowly to the ground.
Azalea – SOLD 4 x 6, watercolour on paper
A fun loose one to paint and I loved the colours!
The Cabin – SOLD 4 x 6, watercolour on paper
This has been a favourite get away for over 30 years!
In the Saddle – SOLD 4 x 6, watercolour on paper
My niece riding in her first competition!! She did really well!
Country Vines Winery 8 x 10, oil on canvas
An amazingly beautiful gardens with flowers that went on for acres. As well as the wine tasting, the fields of sunflowers were at least 9 feet tall and the veggie market was a bonus!