I am a visual artist and creations from weathered wood are one of my creative avenues. I take great delight in engaging my imagination and making something from materials at hand. For many years of my life, found wood from beach and other locations and other sundry things that wash up o the shore have been dragged home to the workshop to be crafted into useful or imaginative artworks. Each one is unique: each component is meticulously chosen and fitted together.

I love boats and as a former boat owner I have anchored in many a beautiful B.C. harbour as well as experiencing the open ocean.
The Beach Boats have their own philosophy and it is quite simple. They have stories to tell. They have been at sea for a long time, sometimes for years, before finding their way to shore. They have seen the condition of our seas and shorelines. The general theme of their stories is to remind us that the beaches and oceans have been entrusted to us for as long as we are here and it is our responsibility to keep our beaches and oceans clean so we many pass the responsibility to those who follow.

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